Hi - Im new but Do LOVE Zenphoto! Ive tried many other gallery packages - But this is the best overall so far.
Ive searched for making a Private Gallery - But none I found fully covered my question. Not sure if it can even be done.
I run a Photo Studio - I want to have users be able to log in and see ONLY their pictures. In other words I want to be able to attach a Gallery to one particular user that automatically shows up when they log in and all other galleries go away - Or something close to that.
I would also like to have it so they can download all the files in their galleries in ZIP format.
I can PASS Protect a gallery
"Not published/password protected"
I assume is the best way for the first part - But then I want them to be able to download all the PICS in a zip.
Is it possible to set it up in this fashion.
Basically - I need my clients to be able to see the Photoshoot that they paid for - And then download the pics for their own use!
Maybe it would be better to use a second FORUM style pkg for this - Dont know
Zenphoto version [6817] (Official Build)
Current gallery theme: zpArdoise
PHP version: 5.2.17
Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
12 active plugins:
class-video v1.4.0
colorbox v1.4.0
deprecated-functions v1.4.0
hitcounter v1.4.0
register_user v1.4.0
security-logger v1.4.0
tiny_mce v1.4.0
user_groups v1.4.0
user_login-out v1.4.0
zenphoto_news v1.4.0
zenphoto_sendmail v1.4.0
zenphoto_seo v1.4.0
There is a function to create ZIPs from whole albums but note that the same server limits apply as they do with huge images. If you upload fine data images to download your server might not be able to handle them (of course if you know it does all fine) for processing as well as creating ZIP of it.
If you have a client login area in mind that only shows this specific client's images and that is kind of separate from the actual portfolio album you will have to do some theme coding. Since you can only assing users to toplevel albums incl. all sub levels they always that is not that easily done as you basically need to exclude albums.
I am a computer programmer - So doing a little theme editing is fine - I just needed to know what functionality was already in place for what I wanted to do, be it plugins or included.
My server should be able to handle zipping things up as this is not a HIGH Volume website.
Thnx Much