I found the speed to access album edit page is quite slow, after checking the code, the gallery->garbageCollect() take about 40s to run, if for a save operation, it load twice, so it will take double time.
The problem is it fetch all row in 'obj_to_tag' and loop to check each object exist in corresponding table or not. As a result, my gallery need to run above 10000 query for this the check.
I think it is quite easy to rewrite it in delete sub query. such as
DELETE FROM obj_to_tag WHERE type = 'album' and objectid not in (SELECT id FROM albums)
Maybe store different object types in option/constant if don't want to hardcode in program, or even SELECT DISTINCT type FROM obj_to_tag can do it(but not a good practice)
BTW, I just update to 1.4.1, the version.php got a extra empty line at beginning.
(I believe my password on forum & trac is the same, strange that can't login trac)