First, I've restored to backup cause... yeah.
As soon as I upgraded to 1.4.1, I got a blank page on my gallery and had to manually go to /zp-core/setup.php
That rendered fine, showed no errors, so I ran the upgrade. My site came back BUT I was logged out and when I tried to log in, it blank-paged again.
I know that blank pages in PHP apps are USUALLY php errors. So I thought it may be my theme. I installed a BRAND NEW version at - Clearly it doesn't work
My error log is filled with
"PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent " from all sorts of files., I can't download older versions from without ALSO getting gibberish
I tried a fresh download from just to be doubly sure. Nada.
(See kids? THIS is why we make backups!)
Tried dumping my caches just in case.
I'll re-try upgrading this morning. More coffee first
This is one the easiest upgrades in a while, all told, AND the admin end is FASTER!
acrylian, thank you I haz happy!