Picture File Size < 2MB

At first - great work! zenphoto is awesome - worked about 4h to get it right with wordpress but now it's great.

My question is - isn't there any possibility to change the maximum filesize? The pictures are hosted on my server so nobody cares about size?
I ask that, because I'm going to Australia and Asia in 2 weeks and if I can't resize pictures in an internet café - would be not so nice, you see?

Thank alot


  • The 2Mb upload limit is set in PHP config, so most likely you won't be able to change that. You can still upload images using an ftp program...
  • trisweb Administrator
    You can also try setting it in php with the ini_set function. Look it up! A good place for it is in zp-config.php, which will get run always.
  • Okay thanks alot!
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