theme comment_form.php doesn't work in 1.4.1


Working on updating my themes to the new version. Seems the code replacement below in the new version breaks using a custom comment_form.php in the theme. Am I missing something?

What it used to be in zp-extensions/comment_form.php:

$theme = getCurrentTheme();

$form = SERVERPATH.'/'.THEMEFOLDER.'/'.internalToFilesystem($theme).$formname;

if (file_exists($form)) {

$form = SERVERPATH.'/'.THEMEFOLDER.'/'.$theme.$formname;

} else {

$form = SERVERPATH.'/'.ZENFOLDER.'/'.PLUGIN_FOLDER.'/comment_form'.$formname;


now is, which is my best guess to why it is not working:

$theme = getCurrentTheme();

$form = getPlugin('comment_form'.$formname, $theme);



  • The theme file needs to be in a folder named "comment_form". This is regularizing all uses of theme versions of "standard" files.
  • gjr Member
    ok will give it a go thanks.

    Was just returning to also ask about the password form. I see it can no longer be provided by the theme for new authentication options I assume. However it did not give me the deprecated function warning, with or without the deprecated function plugin enabled (I always test me themes with deprecated function plugin off). No biggie, just wondering if there is an issue there....
  • gjr Member
    Yes - Thanks! Theme comment_form.php working again by placing it in a folder by the same name. :)
  • gjr Member
    Sorry ignore my comment about the password form - my mistake.
  • The error comes from the use of the custom password form. That is part of a core function, so there is no "replacement function" for it in the deprecated functions plugin.

    If you want to disable that you need to enable the deprecated functions plugin and reset the message display checkbox for that message.
  • gjr Member
    OK thanks. btw - the new version looks great, I see I have a lot to catchup on. Many new features/plugins. After I get my themes working with the new version will definitely have to work on adding the new features to the themes. Cheers!
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