apologize if someone already mention it somewhere
i tried to look and also read
http://www.zenphoto.org/news/category/customizingbut i still can't find the answer
i have been looking around how to make main page to show more album rather than the default 6 album
I am prefering that main page show all album
on old version of zenphoto 1.2.0 (if i didn't wrong), i can simply edit a line in theme index.php to set how many thumbnail on main-page i want to show, but it seems it no longer works
please advice to solve this issue
thanks in advance
can you be more specific ?
i read the function documentation :
in file functions-basic.php, function setOption()
Stores an option value.
then i tried look functions-basic.php
but not really get what i need to change
this might simple things for people expert at php coding
but for people like me that don't know much about php, it can be hard ^^;
You also can use setOption() to set the option direclly temporily or real in the db by setting hte proper parameter. The options are named "albums_per_page" and "images_per_page".
i use stopdesign theme, somehow it wont let me change/edit anything on backend/admin panel theme-option