Get image cache links

Is there any way to get the actual link to a image cache?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All image functions do that if the image is cached already. Or what do you mean?
  • I want to know if I can get the internal link to that file.
    No the URL put the physical directory.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You mean just `/cache/`? Don't know off hand if we have a separate function for that. Maybe it would help if you tell for what exactly you need it?
  • /cache/<albumname>/<imagename> in relation to the actual image.

    It may be faster to access the file directly than to access the URL of hundreds of files.
    For exampled I notice my plugin works faster when it uses links that utilizes the actual path than when it uses a URL.

    and yes I did a few tests its a bit slower. Funny thing is full size images go faster than the small cache images that WAY smaller... just trying to get every once of speed :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Then you should use the image get function respectively class methodes. Otherwise you get into trouble if things are changed internally. Also this way you make sure you access images that have been cached.
  • If you mean the server link to the image you can get that by replacing `WEBPATH` with `SERVERPATH` in the link the functions return.

    But what will you do with that link? Only the PHP code can deal with the result, WEB browsers cannot display from it.
  • Its not for the web-browser PHP code pulls the images for another reason its just way faster that way.
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