ZPArdoise - Colorbox Slideshow

Hi Vincent3569,

I note that on your sample website you use colorbox to show the slideshow.

How do you remove the image name from the centre of the toolbar, as some of the portrait images I have cause the 'stop slideshow' and the image filename to overwrite each other.

I am very impressed with your theme and will donate in the near future.

I am using ZPArdoise 1.3 & ZenPhoto


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Don't know the theme but the Colorbox normally uses the name from the `title` atribute of the link element attached.
  • Hi Acrylian,

    Thanks for the quick response, However I am still not sure as to how to remove the fileneme.

    Please bear with me.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you will have to edit the theme. As I am not familiar with it best wait for Vincent to respond.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    I will have a look about it
    for now, i am unable to install the 1.4.1 release and I can't realize some tests.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    in fact, it's a bit more complicated than I thought.
    if you use the "Use Colorbox in Image page" option, you can change my theme to not display the title down the colorbox.

    if it's on the slideshow with colorbox you want to remove the title, there is the zenphoto slideshow plugin you will have to change.

    for the first case you must do the following:
    in image.php, in the following code

    <?php if(getOption('use_colorbox_image')) { ?>

    " title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>

    <?php } else { ?>

    <?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>

    <?php } ?>


    remove this code
    `title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"`

    for the second case, you have to modify slideshow.php :
    this is a part of zenphoto package, and you will have to do this at each install of zenphoto, at your own risks !!

    in slideshow.php, line 240 (in 1.4.1) :

    " rel="slideshow"<?php echo $style; ?> title="<?php echo html_encode(strip_tags($imgobj->getTitle())); ?>"><?php echo $linktext; ?>



    " rel="slideshow"<?php echo $style; ?> ><?php echo $linktext; ?>


    @acrylian : maybe, it should be an option on slideshow to display ornot a title in the bottomof the colorbox...
  • Hi Vincent,

    Thanks for your reply.

    It is on the slideshow in colorbox, Could you please let me know which slideshow.php as there are about 20 of them?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The 'slideshow.php' of the plugin found in `zp-core/zp-extensions`. As Vincent said it is not recommend to hack core files.

    @Vincent: We probably could make this an option. Open a ticket please.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    @Bob Reeves : the hack is to in zp-core/zp-extensions/slideshow.php, line 240 (on release 1.4.1 [7615])
    but as I said, this is a part of core files, and you will have to do this at each install of zenphoto, at your own risks !!

    @ acrylian : I will do a ticket
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