problem updating search behavior settings

I'm unable to set search behavior settings (Options -> Search). When I select fields and then 'Apply' the page refreshes and all selections are cleared. Searching photos, sure enough, I cannot search anything but tags.

This worked fine in 1.3 but no longer for me in 1.4.1. It worked initially, but something broke. Anyone else with this issue?

Zenphoto 1.4.1
Browser - Chrome, Firefox, and IE8
MySQL backend


  • fixed in the nightly builds
  • I also have this problem with ver. 1.4.1. I downloaded the nightly build from and it did fix the problem with selecting the fields and retaining the choices but now I don't see the exact or partial match option after the tags any more. Is this right?
  • They do seem missing. Thanks for pointing out.
  • Fixed in tonight's build.
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