1.4.1 Cropping thumbnail doesn't work

ZP 1.4.1 doesn't save my thumbnails cropping.

Under the image tab, I do :
I click on the "Thumbnail cropping" button > I crop the thumbnail as I wish > I click on Apply > the Thumbnail doesn't change.I click on the "Thumbnail cropping" button again > I see the default thumbnail crop.
So my cropping isn't saved.

Full image cropping works fine.


  • csbrou Member
    I am also having the same problem of custom thumbnail crops not being saved. I am using the zpGalleriffic theme, but changed back to the default theme and the problem persists. I have also tried purging the image cache.

    I was unaware there is a place to manage the cropping of full size images. I have tried to find it but cannot. New to ZenPhoto.
  • Be sure you have purged any cached versions of the old cropping from the cache. Also be sure to purge html cache if you are using it.
  • I tried this sequence : I try a thumbnail crop, then I purge the Image cache. I purge also the browser cache (firefox private mode).

    Thumbnails are not cropped as I did, worse they are distorded.
  • I just try Zenphoto version 1.4.1 [7607] (Official Build). That version is also affected by this problem.
  • Theme?

    Any errors in your CGI logs?

    What were the cropping parameters?

    BTW, every time before that the thumbnails were distorted it was caused by the cache NOT being cleared.
  • csbrou Member
    My experience is identical to binoyte. The distortion can be corrected by using the reset cropping feature. However, this doesn't help, because my images are of people and I would like to not have their face partly cut off.

    I also used the same procedure as binoyte and the opposite one: purge image cache then edit crop. No luck. Tried in both FF and IE in developer mode with caching turned off (and cleared).

    I am using zpGalleriffic 1.4, but have also tried the crop feature with the default theme implemented to no avail.
  • It is quite possible that themes do not honor cropping if they have custom dimensions. The thumb cropping is based on the theme options sizes.

    Again, though, how about some details?

    Of course the proper order of execution would be 1) crop the image. 2) purge the cache. Doing the reverse is likely not to work.
  • I'm using de default dark theme. Same trouble as csbrou.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a fix in the nightly. Please ty that.
  • I tried Zenphoto 1.4.1 [7640] (Version officielle).

    Well, it's better, but not completely fixed. Now, after cropping, the thumbnail is fine in the gallery, but not on the back-end where we can only see the default crop.

    Then I click again on the "Thumbnail cropping" button again, I see the default thumbnail crop. So my cropping isn't completly saved.

    Some screenshot :
    1) I want my own crop : first click on "thumbnail cropping"
    2) I still see the default cropping on the backend
    3)so I click again on default cropping

    Thanks for all.
  • The back end uses back-end specific thumbnails--no custom cropping.

    Custom cropping would only work in a limited set of circumstances--the display thumbnail would have to have the same aspect ration as the back-end one. So we just did not provide that.
  • OK. I was looking for the same behaviour as in ZenPhoto 1.2.6
  • Thumbnail sizes became a part of the theme options. That left the back end free to define its own thumb size. They are square, so any not-square cropping distorts.
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