zpbase disqus comments

Ralf Member
just wondering how this was done:

On the sidebar are the latest/recent comments displayed.

Any ideas how this was implemented?

Disqus has stopped the widget and in zenphotos extension repository I can not find a plug in for this.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    gjr had once a plugin for that but with his recent cleanup he abandoned everything he had before. At least he does not provide any download. Looks as if this is bult into the theme itself.

    I could "save" his older themes on our unsupported repository but I had no copies of the plugins though.
  • Ralf Member
    Hi Acrylian,

    yes zpbase has a feature to use disqus instead of zenphoto's comment plugin.
    But unfortunately it does not have a functionality to include the recent comments of the whole site.
    And disqus itself does not provide the widget anymore.

  • gjr Member
    Hi Ralf,

    That feature (latest comments from Disqus) in the sidebar is included in the upcoming release for 1.4.6, that is why you see it on my site which is running that version. So if you plan on upgrading with Zenphoto you will have it built in.
  • Ralf Member
    Sounds like good news :-)
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