Getting an album's codeblocks when you're on image page?


I'm a new user, but I've searched and searched before posting a forum question, honestly!

I'm struggling to get hold of the codeblocks that belong to an album when viewing an image within the album. Initially I had assumed that the album's codeblocks would be inherited, but now I see this is not the case, and that each image has it's own codeblock, but from reading the description of the printCodeblock() function it appears I should be able to do something along these lines:
[code]<?php $codeblock2=$_zp_current_album->getcodeblock (2);
if ($codeblock2 <> '') { printCodeblock (2,'Randoms'); }
?> [/code]

If I'm understanding right this should be checking that the album's codeblock 2 is not empty, then executing it. The album is called 'Randoms'. I have tried things like GetAlbumTitle () instead of the explicit string, and also GetAlbumLinkURL (), but nothing seems to give me the album's codeblocks.

Any help will be much appreciated.


  • You have a bit of mixex context in your code. `printCodeBlock()` has an optional second parameter. If you choose to pass it, it must be the Object for which you want the codeblock. You passed a string to that parameter, not an object. Pass instead `$_zp_current_album`.
  • teeps Member
    That's great, thanks sbillard.

    However, now that I have the code as this:
    <?php $codeblock2=$_zp_current_album->getcodeblock (2); if ($codeblock2 <> '') { echo 'EEP '; printCodeblock (2,$_zp_current_album); }?>

    I get the following output ` a:3:{i:1;s:372:"Download a zip file of this album";i:2;s:13:"CODEBLOCK 2 ";i:3;s:0:"";} `

    The codeblock itself contains just the text 'CODEBLOCK 2'.

    It looks like it's getting more than the codeblock requested but I can't see why. Can you suggest anything please?
  • Seems there is an error in the function. Guess you are the first to try that option. I will get a fix up in the nightly build for tonight. If you want to make a temporary fix yourself you can change the code for printCodeblock() in template-functions.php. There is a line that reads `$codeblocks = unserialize($codeblock);` Add immediately following `$codeblock = $codeblocks[$number'];`
  • teeps Member
    Thanks sbillard, that fixed it!

    In case anyone finds it useful, I've been documenting my experiences with setting up Zenphoto and getting it tweaked to my liking here:
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