"What is a 'Gallery'?"

Sorry for the length, but this is really what's going on.
Background info:
So, after a week of banging my head on a defective install finally fixed with a little snippet of code regarding cookies and non-static IPs, I get a couple of photo albums up with pictures and my client asks "What is a 'Gallery'?" Come to find out, apparently, he believes that his customers, cretins?, are too stupid to know what a gallery is. He wants me to change it to read 'photos', which I set off to do. Except, my link to the gallery isn't the only place that reads 'gallery.' The term 'gallery' is used all through Zenphoto.
1) Do I drop Zenphoto?

2) Do I rewrite Zenphoto, changing all occurences of '[gG]allery' to 'photo' thus dumbing it down for the lower food chain? Easy to grep the srcs, but would need to set up tool chain to recompile, wouldn't I (no time)?

3) If I create my own theme, would I be able to hide all refs to gallery?

Thank you for the little snippet of code, and tia
p.s. Zp is great gallery-ware


  • Yeah, "gallery" is a pretty integral term within Zenphoto. You can do what you wish, but of course changing the text in Zenphoto would mean a lot of maintenance headaches as upgrades occur. (Maybe a good thing, be sure to remind the client that he will need a support agreement!) But probably you do not want to simply grep this as there are lots of references that are not display text.

    If you make your own theme you can avoid "gallery" on the theme, but if the client is going to use the administrative pages changing the theme will do nothing. Of course you will have to leave out some features such as the Admin toolbox which references gallery.
  • ajwest Member
    Thank you.

    Turns out, I changed the name of the gallery to Photos in admin and used the default theme and all refs to gallery are gone. Duh, Awesome!
    The good news is my freeloader client will only need to learn ftp, because you, et. al, are so good at what you do!

    Thanks again. Now to learn theming...
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