Upload button does not appear in frecnh back end

If I set the back-end language In English german or spanish I can see the upload button. http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/13/98/61/29/clipbo13.png

But if I set the language to French that button does not appear. Some trouble with the translation file ?

I am running Zenphoto [7644] (Version officielle)


  • I did confirm that the button is missing from the flash upload. I do not know what would cause this--the button is graphic and has not changed. Maybe something in the translation that is breaking Javascript.

    Hopefully one of our French translators will notice this post and investigate. But it would not hurt to create a trouble ticket.
  • I'll look at that. Were there any changes from 1.4.1 to Because no obvious error appears to my eyes.

    I compared the behaviour of (v7644) in French with 1.4.1 (v7576) in English and noticed a couple of other puzzling differences:

    - In English, when the Upload page is first selected, there is no check box behind "Make a new album" there is one in French and it is unchecked.

    - In English, once a user selects an existing folder to upload to, there is only one line, "Make a new album"; the other lines (see below) only appear when Make the new album is checked. (other lines:
    and X publish it
    with the folder name...

    The same error (no Upload and Cancel buttons) exists in the jquery and the Flash upload interfaces.

    Apart from that, I notice that in the Flash interface, the "Select files" is translated by "Choisir fichiers"; yet this text string is nowhere in the language file.

    Right now, I don't see any obvious typo, missing string or extraoneous "%s" code. I have also compared the Spanish and French translation files and can't see any coding differences. I'll look into that tonight, with the latest version and svn feeds.
  • Bingo! problem is the javascript strings are not html encoded. And since French has contractions (d'un) the apostrophy is terminating the javascript string constant and leaving what javascript would consider garbage after.

    So it it the language, not the translation. I will get those strings encoded and the problem should be corrected.
  • Well, that did not work. There is html in some of those strings. I guess the translated text will have to use \' for the appostrophy character.
  • Update

    I found the problem. Many strings use the apostrophe as part of the text (ex.: "L'école"). In most cases, it is not a problem, but it seems that in this case, there were one or two Javascript strings where it interfered. Poedit doesn't allow me to escape the straight quote, so I have replaced the straight quote in about 17 strings by a typographical apostrophe (’). Now it works, as is shown here:

    I wonder if I should code all of them as such (’ - a typed typographical apostrophe) or if I should use the long string (’ - et rsquo ; - remove spaces) ?
  • Poedit does not allow this? That's too bad.

    The basic problem of using single (or double) quotes in strings is tha they may appear with a similarly quoted construct. For the most part we use double quotes for string display. But javascript within an href will use the single quotes (since the href is already using the double quote.)

    The typographical apostrophy should always work, so the safest is to use it in all cases.
  • With regard to Poedit, I think it considers "\'" (backslash-straight apostrophe) as a code, just like "%s", and says it can't compile it because of offending code (or something like that, meaning there is imbalance between number of coded variables in English and French).

    As you see in my post above, I have been able to correct it in my version by updating 17 critical strings. I will upload these partially updated files in the Trac in a few minutes so they will be part of tonight's update. I will do the rest in the next few days as it has to be done by hand (some straight quotes are really meant to be there).
  • The French strings have all been updated, so no straight apostrophe should interfere with the code. Depending at what time tonight's builds are made, one should at the very least get the "Upload images" part corrected.
  • svs Member
    Oups, I have started a new topic, then I saw this one :-( sorry

    The last trunk seems OK for french. many thanks !

  • A good search of the forum might have been helpful to you. This topic was discussed a bit before we discovered the problem with the tranlsations.
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