Image Info link missing modal window

I am using the zip file download and the Image Info link does nothing when clicked.

Comparing the html source of my installation to someone else's that has modal window popup on click, I see that a couple of lines are missing in mine.

Here are the lines from the working site:
<script type="text/javascript">var blogrelurl = "/themes/stopdesign_custom";</script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Here are the lines in my site:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="/zenphoto/themes/stopdesign/css/master.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">var blogrelurl = "/zenphoto/themes/stopdesign";</script>

On both sites these lines come next:
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!-- <![CDATA[
close: 'close'
close: 'close'
// ]]> -->

I am trying to figure out which file is missing the code so I can replace it. Because I have always used the zip file, this time I downloaded and opened the tar file, thinking perhaps the tar file may have the code in it.


  • One thing I discovered is that zp-core/js/colorbox is missing from all of my zip/tar downloads.
  • You have not mentioned the version of Zenphoto you are using. BUT, with our current release colorbox is not supposed to be in the js folder. Did Setup make any notes about missing files?
  • [edit] Sorry, posted to the wrong thread.
  • Thanks for the reply. OK, so I was comparing an older version to the latest version, apparently.

    I downloaded and installed the latest version today, but the previous installation I made for another site a couple of months ago has the same issue with the image info link not opening a modal box.

    It would be OK with me to just remove the image info link. Which file may I find that in?
  • Well, certainly we would need to know what theme you are using to answer that question. I suggest you read the forum rules which will tell you what information should always be posted. That is much more efficient than me having to ask each time one item at a time/
  • I started with the default theme. Then I found this site with a working modal window so I switched to the same theme (stopdesign), but it is an "older" version of zenphoto I'm guessing.

    Here is the site I'm working on:

    (I have donated to zenphoto previously and will do so again. Gorgeous piece of work.)
  • So you are just trying to get the theme to work as it is supposed to, then, you have not modified it? (Your site appears to have no images at the moment.)

    Anyway, if the colorbox does not open up when you click the link on an unmodifed version of the theme the most likely culpret is a javascript conflict somewhere.

    The theme is not coded to work without the colorbox assist. The div where the image metadata is is styled `display:none;` and shown by the colorbox javascript. You could remove that styling and the data would show always on the page.
  • Thanks!
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