Pb with method setCurrentTheme with ???

Hello, I updated my zenphoto devsite with ...
and for my plugin SwitcherTheme, i've a little pb with the return of method setCurrentTheme on object $_zp_gallery.

I've no error, but nothing change ... a var_dump on object display them informations. (i've not change any code in my plugin).

An idea?


  • Well, since you have not even said what the problem is, how would we have any suggestions?
  • hucste Member
    I don't know explain the problem...

    For my plugin 'SwitcherTheme', i use the method setCurrentTheme on object $_zp_gallery. Since the version zenphoto, the method not return any without any errors.

    I don't know what search, what informations to resolve this bug?!
    I search to understand why?!

    A var_dump on this object return a valid echo, egual for the theme... but nothing.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    DId you check if the session/post variables you use to set the theme really contain the theme to set? The setCurrentTheme method did not change to my knowledge

    Just to note I get a "not found" for the English and French pages linked on your site. Apparently you still have the old separate EN/FR pages links that don't exist anymore.
    The link from our extensions entry does work though.
  • hucste are you installing in I'll setup a blank release and your plugin to see if I can find any errors. Can you link me to your switcher_themes version you're using for download? Is it the same one in the extensions database?
  • hucste Member
    excuse-me all ... (needed to pass time with my family ;-) ...)

    @acrylian: yes, really, session/post variables contain the theme to set!
    and the plugin 'SwitcherThemes' is accessible on this url :

    @mitcheall: yes, i've on my dev site, the zenphoto version ... and my version plugin is the ultimate, 0.3.1!
    The same accessible by database (normally, return on my website dev zenphoto.).
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