Image cropping not working (thumbs and large image)

I have inherited the maintenance of a site using an old galleria script. If I switch to default theme, image cropping works. If I use the bespoke theme then image cropping in admin doesn't work.
I have the plugin activated.
I have removed all instances of getCustomAlbumThumb code.

Can anyone point me to the a possible code problem or setting I may have missed from my bespoke theme that is available in default?
Any troubleshooting guidance much appreciated.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you don't have any custom sized calls it should actually work. Did you clear the image cache and if used the html cache?
  • Hi Acrylian
    I have done that many times over. I think it might be permissions? But I have set them all quite high.
    I have empty placeholders for the images in the cropping tool. This is an upgrade from 1.40.3 to the latest version.
    thanks again
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If it is permissions you should find something in the logs. If you haven't best look there (all, Zp ones, server ones and of course browser ones as it might be an JS issue or else!)
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