The 1.4 zpArdoise release is now avaliable for ZenPhoto 1.4.1.
Improvements of this release :
- With option «Use Galleriffic script», displays the description of the image and its EXIF ​​data (if «Show image EXIF ​​data» is choosen)
- Better integration between the scripts galleriffic and colorbox
- Better integration between the options «Show Image Statistic strip» and «Use Colorbox Album»
- Using the login form of ZenPhoto
- Some graphical improvements
- Fix some issues (read changelog.txt)
Follow the link :
http://vincent.bourganel.free.fr/zenphoto/index.php?p=news&title=zpArdoise-a-ZenPhoto-ZenPage-themeFeel free to download and use it, and thanks in advance for your feedback!
Please report bugs on the forum and I will try to fix as soon as possible.
thank you for this great theme!
I'm trying do put a slide show of random photos on the homepage with the Galleriffic script, but I can't figure out hot to call the album in the
'<div id="slideshow" class="slideshow"></div>'
Could you give me some input please?
to do that, you need to code a specific page choosen to be the homepage.
I don't know how to code this page : maybe you inspire yourself with zpgalleriffic 1.4.1 of gjr.
there is many other way to do a slideshow (probably more simple than galleriffic)
have a look on :
there are some scripts I have searched for doing a slideshow on my web site
- I can't figure out how to set it as the starting page since the theme overrides the "Gallery index page link" option,
- and I prefer not to hack the plugin to get rid of the photo title.
- Putting the code in an unpublished page -in respect of the theme options- prints out nothing, just a page with the header and footer.
Since zpArdoise includes already the Galleriffic script I tried to make the most of it. Less is more is my motto!I duplicated the album.php page, stripping out the unnecessary code but I can't go on because I did not understand how to call a specific album, that is the one containing the pics for the slide show (perhaps could be a virtual one?).
It sounds simple but I spent all day losing my self in the documentation...actually I'm not a coder but I try do to my best.
By the way, the Nivo slider looks cool!
I don't know how the option 'Gallery index page link' works.
the zpAdoise theme don't override this option, maybe the option is set by another theme (I saw that this option is set by default to gallery by zenpage).
That said, this option has no effect on the theme : you can set any page, you go to the gallery page or the page choosen on Homepage option.
for example,i wrote a index2.php with this code :
<?php include ('header.php'); ?>
<?php include('footer.php'); ?>
an I have choosen index2.php in 'Gallery index page link' option : this file is never called.
@acrylian or @sbillard : could you explain how this option 'Gallery index page link' works ?
Regarding the slideshow: No need for hacking, you can easily hide the image title via CSS:
.slideimage h4 {
Example on my demo site: http://zenphoto.maltem.de/
So I guess you added the Page option to overcome that?
On the other side, am I missing anything for printing some code in the Pages? I tried the Custom field and the Codeblocks but nothing is showing up.
In a way or another I'm near my goal. I'm still curious to know how to point to a specific album though.
Is it so difficult?
Regading codeblocks and custom fields. It is the same as with plugin calls, if the theme does not already have theme (none can have all...) you have to add them yourself. (not familiar with this theme of course).
Best way to understand it is to look at the Effervescence+, Garland, and Zenpage themes for. The first allows for a dynamic setting of the option the other two use a standard index for the gallery of `gallery.php`
look http://www.mdbrx.com/gl/pages/bio
in the page i find this
and only with statc pages
So, preload as it does in album, as well it does not refresh the page when going to next image.
I personally would love for google maps to load the same way in image.php as the image, name and desctption does.
Is that something of interest and hard do implement?
EDIT: I can see keyboard navigation works in image.php thats great, but again the whole webpage reloads when going to next and previous.
On this subject a little more, would it be possible for the images to get their name in the url bar instead of /#6 as if you add another image to that folder and someone has linked to one of the images it will/might have changed.
Somthing like /NAMEOFIMAGEFILE.jpg.php as the files will all have individual names anyways.
Have you gotten the change to look into the above suggestions?
@ olihar : I haven't seen your reply before...
I am sorry but i don't know how to change the picture in image.php without reload the whole page.
for the image name in the link, I don't know too (but according to me, it might be a core functionnality of zenphoto displaying the logical name of the picture rather than the physical name).
however, the title displayed in browser tabs contains the title of the picture.
in album.php, lines 49 to 53, replace
<?php if (isImageVideo()) { ?>
/images/video-placeholder.jpg" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } else { ?>
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php if (isImageVideo()) { ?>
getFileName(); ?>" class="thumb" href="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot; ?>/images/video-placeholder.jpg" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } else { ?>
getFileName(); ?>" class="thumb" href="<?php echo getDefaultSizedImage(); ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
this hack add the filename in the url as "albums/#filename.jpg"
you have to had in the two tags ``
` element. See:
`name="<?php echo $_zp_current_image->getFileName(); ?>"`
`name="<?php echo $_zp_current_image->getFileName(); ?>"`
another try withy backtick : find the following code in album.php :
<?php if (isImageVideo()) { ?>
/images/video-placeholder.jpg" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } else { ?>
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
and replace by this one :
<?php if (isImageVideo()) { ?>
getFileName(); ?>" class="thumb" href="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot; ?>/images/video-placeholder.jpg" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } else { ?>
getFileName(); ?>" class="thumb" href="<?php echo getDefaultSizedImage(); ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
It will be included in the next release of zpardoise (it will be published after the release 1.4.2 of zenphoto)
@gjr (if you read it) :
maybe, you could include this hack in zp_galleriffic and zp_masonery which use galleriffic script
To your video placeholder: We have default images you should really use via the thumbnail functions in case you have videothumbs instead of `$_zp_themeroot; ?>/images/video-placeholder.jpg`. You can even have custom ones within your theme if you don't like ours. Just place images with the exact names within the theme's /images folder.
btw - zpmasonry does not use galleriffic.
thank you for all your work!
Pretty new to ZP, I'd like to dare suggesting a code change for you next version. It took me some hacking to figure the theme is not checking all Colorbox settings.
When option "sizedimage" is set, your theme still loaded "fullimage".
So I went in the code and added in album.php ~line 54+
<?php if (getOption('use_colorbox_album')) {<br />
switch(getOption('slideshow_colorbox_imagetype')) {
case 'fullimage':
$imagelink = html_encode($_zp_current_image->getFullImage());
case 'sizedimage':
$imagelink = html_encode($_zp_current_image->getCustomImage(getOption("slideshow_width"), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
class="colorbox"<?php } ?> href="<?php echo $imagelink; ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
`This will generate whatever sized image in the cache and Colorbox will use it.