404 error on virtual host

I am using Apache XAMPP to run zenphoto on test server. When gallery is installed in C:\xampp\htdocs\galleries, it handles mod rewrite fine. If I set up virtual host at \mysites\nif\galleries and run it from http://nif.local/galleries, I can see index page. With mod rewrite off, I can navigate to other albums, images, etc. With mod rewrite on, I see http://nif.local/galleries/flora/ in the address bar which should be correct, but I get a 404 error.

.htaccess has rewrite base as \gallereis which seems right to me.

Could someone guide me to what I should try to change to make mod rewrite work? I know very little about apache and rewrite ...

EDIT: Wouldn't you know it... after looking for info on this for about a day, almost immediately after posting this, I found solution for me.

In the httpd.conf file, I had to change reference to
`AllowOverride None`
`AllowOverride All`

and now links seem to work.

If there is not the best way to deal with this, please let me know.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, if you installed within `localhost/galleries` the rewrite base is /galleries. If you call it directly using a virtuall host you normally call it directly as if it were in the root so the rewrite base would be wrong. (I admit to never have used virtual host, I just use it directly in MAMP).
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