I've made an upgrade from to and now, on my index of copied "default" team, which was correctly working on, in the head of the page is wtitten:
"Notice: normalizeColumns (called from index.php line 1) is deprecated Use instead the theme options for images and albums per row.
Notice: zenJavascript (called from index.php line 15) is deprecated Use zp_apply_filter("theme_head")."
Please help me how to hide this notification!
Here it is written that i must: "With the introduction of this error message the powers that be have seen fit to allow supressing the messages. Set the error reporting to include E_ALL ^E_DEPRECATED in functions-basic.php where it is currently being set to E_ALL"
But i'm a user, not programmer it's hardly for me to understand what to do. I tried to change E_ALL in that file to E_ALL ^E_DEPRECATED, but all the gallery crashed and i needed to reintsall it.
http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=5933Thanx in anvance
Alternatively you can enable the deprecated functions plugin. But that will only postpone your problem of updating your theme as we will not support these forever.