Upgrading from to notice Deprecated!

I've made an upgrade from to and now, on my index of copied "default" team, which was correctly working on, in the head of the page is wtitten:

"Notice: normalizeColumns (called from index.php line 1) is deprecated Use instead the theme options for images and albums per row.

Notice: zenJavascript (called from index.php line 15) is deprecated Use zp_apply_filter("theme_head")."

Please help me how to hide this notification!

Here it is written that i must: "With the introduction of this error message the powers that be have seen fit to allow supressing the messages. Set the error reporting to include E_ALL ^E_DEPRECATED in functions-basic.php where it is currently being set to E_ALL"

But i'm a user, not programmer it's hardly for me to understand what to do. I tried to change E_ALL in that file to E_ALL ^E_DEPRECATED, but all the gallery crashed and i needed to reintsall it.


Thanx in anvance


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please read both messages as they tell you what to do and look at the standard themes. If you use the default theme anyway, use the one that shipped with the release.

    Alternatively you can enable the deprecated functions plugin. But that will only postpone your problem of updating your theme as we will not support these forever.
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