I have a large collection of images on my nas which i also use as my webserver. To avoid unnecessary duplication I use the original images as the base images for my gallery. I pre cache images as a result to speed up remote access.
I have noticed that sometimes when accessing older folders zenphoto recreates? the cached files thereby slowing the load time considerably.
I fixed this by manually touching the cache files and albums load faster as nothing appears to be created.
Is there a way to make zenphoto ignore the time/date stamp on cache files and avoid strain on server?
Is there a reason the date/time of the original image is changing?
But if there is an image that is more recent than the cache file Zenphoto presumes it shold rebild the cache image. Kind of makes sense--if it is more recent it probably was not the image that was cached in the first place.
It probably happened after a file restore, I would have had the cache backed up to a separate location than the images. I maybe need to get a script that will synch the thumbnails date and time stamps to the original files, probably the fastest fix in future and one that will allow zenphoto to continue to work as it should.
Time to go harass my friendly linux gurus and see what we can whip up that works on the qnap.