Custom image copyright notice

The options/image IPTC embedding field shows a default copyright notice including the site name.

I changed this notice to something more suitable by replacing the site name with the copyright holder name but Zenphoto seems to always revert it to its own version.

Is there a way to make it keep my own version of the copyright notice? The reason for this is that that the site does not own the copyright, but the author who took the picture or who has acquired the image copyright. So the site name as the default copyright holder is not suitable in many cases. Also, the year in the copyright notice may not be applicable.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I actually don't believe we have default values for any exif field. Zenphoto uses what is embeded in the original image if there is something embeded. But sbillard will know more.
  • marcov Member
    Hmm, I'll check that, but I doubt my camera embeds my zenphoto site URL in the IPTC copyright field :-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I doubt as well, but I rarely use EXIF myself as I rarely take photos. I will pass this to sbillard
  • The code to save the option was missing. It will be in tonight's build.
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