I previously had zenphoto and suddenly today I received more than 10 e-mails that I received reactions on my photogallery. The mails were all in english from people I don't know and the reactions were like a discussing on a forum. I went to my admin page to delete those reactions and activated the spamfilter. After that I received one more e-mail of such reaction. Now I've installed Zenphoto and I hope it will stop now.
Can you tell me if those reactions come from somebody who hacked my zenphoto or what? It's really anoying.
My visitors can comment on my photoalbums and photos and suddenly I got comments from people who were having a discussion on a forum or something and all those comments appeared in my photoalbums. Their names, e-mails and website are in the information header of the reaction. All websites are google.com, bing.com and yahoo.com
The comments are not about my photos but discussions between people and they appear in different albums or in different photos.
You probably encountered a spam attack. These by definition often don't make sense and are often also generated by machines. Probably you should refine your spam settings or maybe moderate comments.
I'm also going to block the IP-addresses from the senders.
For the rest I must say, Zenphoto is a super product. I really like to work with it
Now I have another problem. After upgrading to latest version of Zenphoto I could log in in my admin, but now I can't anymore. So I entered the captcha in the password field and I receive an e-mail with a link to reset my password. But I don't understand what I have to do. When I go to the link I get my admin log in screen with empty fields. Waht do I have to enter in the fields?
You should probably load the nightly build, BTW.
The troubleshooting guide will describe exactly the possible steps to take to clear this up. I suggest you look again and find it, that it is what it is there for. [HINT: there is a link in the forum rules, but maybe you have not read them either.]
How you find the database and drop the table will depend on what your service provider has provided. Normally there is a WEB application available named phpMyAdmin. The database will be the one you provided setup with.
We are here to help, but I am sure that you realize we cannot provide "basic training". We have to expect that users will aquire the basics elsewhere.
I'll re-run setup and hope everything works out well this time. I read somewhere on the forum that I should load the folders album, backup, themes (I customized a default theme)and cache to my folder Zenphoto on the root of the server BEFORE running setup, so I don't loose my albums and photos I already made. Is that what I should do in my case now also?
I made a backup of these folders before removing my zenphoto.
Thanks a lot for the help.