Some spambot got in my zenphoto site. So I get constantly e-mails from my zenphoto that I have new comments on my albums and foto's. I removed my Zenphoto because I had problems loggin in on my admin and hoped I would also get rid of the spam, but the spam is still remaining. I tried to install the spamfilter of Akismet, but when I wanted to use it it told I needed a key from akismet that I could get by signing up to I already have an account on wordpress, but can't find where to get that key. Tried another spam filter 'spamassasin" and this one made it impossible to send comment forms in my albums and photos. Now I use "moderate" comments, but that's a little too much work, because of the amount of mails I get. Anyone ideas what I could do else?
The other way is to close comments..;-)
Thanks Zenphoto team for giving us those good extensions!
How did you get the Akismet key? I'm getting a TON of comment spam and I need it to stop. I currently have no spam filter set so I can have everything go to moderation and I can filter them out myself but I need it to stop...
It looks like they are human spammers because I have CAPTCHA enabled and they are getting past it.