ZenPhoto and Google +1

What is the best way to incorporate this into zenphoto? I would like to change the location of the button around, but the WSIWYG editor won't allow this:

<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render -->

Is there anyway to call this javascript function within the editor?

See: http://www.google.com/webmasters/+1/button/


  • The editor will allow you to edit HTML. But you will also have to add `g:plusone` to the TinyMCE allowed elements. See their site for how to do this. (Of course this will require a custom configuration, see the zenphoto tiny_mce plugin options.
  • lkjs Member

    Thanks for your help, this will solve another text rendering issue I was having too. :-)
  • lkjs Member

    Just for those n00bs in the future like me who need finding the answer and never thought about what tinymce did. :-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Much easier would probably be to just add that to the theme pages itself since I assume you want this on all pages anyway
  • lkjs Member
    I don't want it on all pages and I want to vary the location as well. I did get it to work this way however.

    I am having trouble with the TinyMCE getting it to work now. I got it working once and then don't know where I went wrong, it wont accept any of my custom elements now. I am asking on their forum.

    Adding custom elements or anything else seems to break tinymce in zenphoto. I must be messing something up.
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