dynamic album is empty

Hello, I created a dynamic album that works only when I'm logged in as the gallery admin.
When logged out it has a question mark thumbnail and it's empty.
Here it is, see the 'home' album:
I did a fresh install of v1.4.1.1 but the problem persists.
Is it a bug?


  • Most likely the search you used returns only unpublished items. Those will show if you are logged in and not if your are logged out. So the album will be "empty" to a not logged-in user.
  • ncs Member
    Hi sbillard,
    all the gallery pics are published actually.
    Now I've noticed that performing a search on the newly tag I set to create the dynamic album doesn't report any result when logged out.
    It looks like it isn't read.
  • If it works logged in and not logged out then something is not published or is [password] protected.
  • ncs Member
    uhmm everything is published as the 'Publish content' reports. I checked twice every single image and album.
    I have just one admin user, maybe do I have to create a generic user?
    sounds strange indeed because I never heard such a thing and I can view all the gallery with no special credentials, but who knows..
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You don't need a specific user. Maybe the dynamic album is not setup correctly.
  • ncs Member
    I logged in and followed the simple instructions found here once I gave the tag 'home' to some pics.
    Acrylian could you tell me how a dynamic album can be set up erroneously please? Perhaps I'm missing something.
  • ncs Member
    by the way, clicking on the tag as a normal user, shows the pisc inside the album as you can see here.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Since you read the tutorial you know a dynamic album is more or less a saved search query. So if it does not match or the items that would match are protected or unpublished it can run empty (as mentioned above). The feature does work as expected. You might need to check your search settings as well.
  • ncs Member
    Ok, thanks for making it clear.
    As I mentioned before clicking on the tag just below the album displays all the pics that should be in it, so it's quite clear that these photos are published and unprotected as their respective albums...BUT performing a simple search on the tag 'home' fails, even if the right search options are checked...
  • What is also quite clear is that we the developers are not able to recreate this problem. So one of two things is happening.

    First, maybe there is a fix in the nightly builds (That is what we run on) to the problem.

    Second, something you are doing is very different from what we are trying.

    So you should install the nightly build and see if you still have the problem. If so you will need to be very specific in detaling how your site is setup and how you are creating the problem situation.
  • ncs Member
    Ok, I'll try with a nightly build.
    I also noticed that no kind of search works for the normal user.
    It looks like the tags association has some problem because if I manually type this kind of url http://nicksclick.net/page/search/tags/xyz I get the expected result, and this somehow would explain why the dynamic albums don't show the pics.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Be sure that your server works correctly regarding Cookies and/or session. Search and dynamic albums are dependent of this to set their context. The search and dynamic albums do work. See my test site: http:zenphoto.maltem.de
  • ncs Member
    @ the developers
    To be sure it isn't my server I did a fresh install on a different one free hosted by altervista.org.
    I just created two albums and performed a search on the tags auto generated by the upload.
    Same result as above, nothing is reported by the search, even adding new tags.
    So I installed on both the free server and mine the nightly build of the 26 of july. Everything works fine now, search function and of course dynamic albums.

    PS: I'm putting a "solved" tag on this topic.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the heads up.
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