Speeding up load time

Have a gallery shell (no photos yet), 8 albums with 7 subalbums each. Effervescence-plus tweaked. 2-3 plug-ins. It's slow on load every time, 8 seconds MacOSX Safari4.0, 8 seconds MacOSX Firefox3.5, 8 seconds PC Internet Explorer. Pretty consistent.


Any ideas?


  • Pretty old version of ZP.
  • I just downloaded it a couple days ago.... I see ZP, can I just update to that?
  • Yes. Where did you download from? is almost a year old.

    Anyway, there have probably been changes to the themes since then, so first try with an unmodified version of Effervescence+. Also, put some images in your albums. It may sound strange but it probably takes longer to generate thumbnails when ZP has to search everywhere for images.
  • Great, thanks. I used the updater and having difficulty with the host. It's all set and I had them turn register_globals:off but still getting an error msg. We're working on it.

    The was loaded with Simple Scripts through my host, iPage.com
  • This is the error msg. I get, even after the host says the settings have been changed. Any ideas?

    PHP Register globals presents a security risk to any PHP application. See Using Register Globals. Zenphoto refuses to operate under these conditions. Change your PHP.ini settings to register_globals = off.
  • If you "think" you have set this to `off` please check again. Probably you have set it to the string "off" which is not the same as the constant `off` (no quotation marks.)
  • I'll check with the host, iPage...I guess they control the PHP.ini file.
  • FYI, it's resolved. Here's from the host:

    "Please note, you do have access to your php.ini file by going to CGI and Scripted Language Support and then PHP Scripting. I noticed register_globals was set Off when it should have been off (lowercase o)."
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