Have a gallery shell (no photos yet), 8 albums with 7 subalbums each. Effervescence-plus tweaked. 2-3 plug-ins. It's slow on load every time, 8 seconds MacOSX Safari4.0, 8 seconds MacOSX Firefox3.5, 8 seconds PC Internet Explorer. Pretty consistent.
http://www.tourofhonor.com/photosAny ideas?
Anyway, there have probably been changes to the themes since then, so first try with an unmodified version of Effervescence+. Also, put some images in your albums. It may sound strange but it probably takes longer to generate thumbnails when ZP has to search everywhere for images.
The was loaded with Simple Scripts through my host, iPage.com
PHP Register globals presents a security risk to any PHP application. See Using Register Globals. Zenphoto refuses to operate under these conditions. Change your PHP.ini settings to register_globals = off.
"Please note, you do have access to your php.ini file by going to CGI and Scripted Language Support and then PHP Scripting. I noticed register_globals was set Off when it should have been off (lowercase o)."