Summary; this is about preloading images to allow seamless browsing without pageloads.
A couple of years back I spent some time
applying the tricasa preloading hack in the default theme. As you can see it was quite messy and a bit broken, but served me well for quite some time.
Nowadays we've got jQuery and HTML5, allowing us to accomplish some seriously robust preloading; keeping browser, URL and ajax-fields in sync.
Add this short snippet to your image.php to preload one image ahead:
Pastebin for sane formating: demo here.
As you can see I simply load the next page as soon as the current one is done (thus, not imposing any extra wait for the user). When the user clicks "Next Image" I cancel her request and use JavaScript to replace the current HTML with the preloaded page. Thanks to HTML 5 and pushState we're able to update the browser URL bar too!
Brilliant in it's simplicity.
I've only tested in Chrome and IE9. IE9 obviously doesn't support the HTML5-exclusive history.pushState, but I vastly prefer that over messing with hashbangs (fragment identifiers).
It would be great if you could make a real plugin out of this using the head filter. Also maybe follow what we suggest here (stuff just on the forum tends to get lost):
I'm like to think I'm not a complete idiot; I've been going through the extensions archive to find some example code of what a plugin should look like. But they all seem to be recipies for hacks or dead links. I tried the plugin folder of the ZenPhoto installation archive, but that's empty too.
Where's the code for these so called plugins?
/zp-core/zp-extensions/ contains the officially included plugins that should not be modifyied for upgrade issue prevention.
Main resources:
and specifically:
And of course the functions documentation.