Creating tables mysql error

The message I get when I hit go is:

MySQL Query ( ALTER TABLE `comments` ADD CONSTRAINT `comments_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`imageid`) REFERENCES `images` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ) Failed. Error: Key column 'imageid' doesn't exist in table

I don't know whats wrong. Please help?


  • If you are on the "go" page, this is an install, right? Hate to be pedantic, but did you create an MySQL table on your server and update the zp_config file with the table name, MySQL server URL, username and password?
  • Yeah I did. I actually have a hosted site, not a domain, so I don't know if thats part of the problem. But yeah, I got the person who own the website to set one up for me.
  • Mine's hosted as well, although my host gives me the ability to create my own tables... In my install, the SQL server URL was not the same (not even close) to my URL. Are you sure the SQL server URL works? Does your host have any facilities for looking at the table and verifying the table name, password, etc?
  • trisweb Administrator
    That message means that the communication to the MySQL server is indeed working, so that's not the problem.

    It sounds like the 'comments' table did not get created correctly... is there a way you can look at the database, through PhpMyAdmin for example?
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