Password protected album : User ?


I have set an album "published" and "password protected".
I logout from any zenphoto session.
I'm going to the url http://myhost/zenphoto/
I see only the album published with a lock that indicate is locked
When I click on the title of the album, I'm going to a page that it ask me the password.

My questions :
where I could field the guest user name specified in the password setting for the album ?
I tried with the password for the guest user and I get an error : " There was an error logging in.
Check your username and password and try again."
What I do wrong ?

My env : 1 workstation MacPro + 10.6.8 + Safari 5.1
1 server Mini + 10.7 workstation + MySQL fresh install + Zenphoto fresh install

thanks for your help



  • The guest username is whatever you specify it to be on the admin album page. You don't have to have a guest username to have it password protected, however. From the User Guide:

    The error tells you what you have done wrong. Either your username or password was incorrect. Depending on what you have set, you will need to figure out the correct combination.
  • pab Member
    I had retried this morning : it works.
    Maybe I was sleepy....

    thanks for your help

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