Search using tags

I have large gallery with a lot of images. I consider using tags and allow serch through tag field.
When I write the tag text in the search field the query gives proper results. But selecting the image moves navigation to the album images, instead of the querry images. No matter if it is or/and option - the navigation do not work properly.
How could I resolve this?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Search context requires cookies enabled in your browser. Check if that is the case. Also important is the theme used. If not a standard theme try with one. If it works there it is a theme issue
  • I use the zenpage theme (I think you might know this one :-)
    The search through description works properly - the navigation is restricted to the results. Problem is when I try to search through tags ...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try the trunk nightly. I have a vast memory that there was an issue regarding this fixed.
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