upload "album-zip.php" fails

Hi all,
i've installed ZenPhoto and everything went OK except "album-zip.php". I got an warning saying the file wasn't copied and went on. Later I realized it was responsible for building the zip files.

Since then I've been trying to upload this file to its place without any success. As soon as the file uploads it disappears. No error message on Filezilla, it just vanishes. I've tried to upload different files and OK. Same file with different name, Error again.

I've been searching and found nothing similar. Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sounds strange...I have no other idea than to suggest to try another FTP client maybe.
  • Filezilla is probably the best Windows FTP client around. It is what I use. Seriously doubt that it is the probem. Maybe the copy of that script is corrupt. Try downloading the release package again.
  • I've tried with WinSCP and got the same.. album-zip.php won't stay! I've also download the whole package again and nothing.. What a strange thing!
  • Maybe there is something in the server logs? Otherwise I am out of ideas.
  • Where can I see the server logs?

    I've deleted all files, downloaded again, FTP again, all over again. "Perhaps there was a problem with the upload. You should check the following files:
    zp-core/album-zip.php" on the instalation eventhough I get no error in filezilla.

    Also in instalation I get warning because of PHP (running 5.2.3) and because magic_quotes_gpc. I assume this hasn't anything to do with that.
  • The PHP and Magic quotes will have nothing to do with FTP. As to the logs, contact your service provider.
  • Well, the good news is I've managed to get it to work. Instead of using ftp I upload it via Cpanel... The file stayed there and zip album works.

    The bad news I don't understand what causes the issue on ftp...
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