ZP is caching original sized image into large files

I always upload my images in the final mazimum size of 600px and no upscaling allowed. When I noticed I was out of diskspace I took a look inside the cache folder. There were for each image three image sizes present:
thumbnail sized 160px
medium sized 398px (thas has to be the size of the image when viewed in the backend)
original size 600px(????)

That last image shouldn't be there. Now it is, and it's BIG (43Kb > 200Kb) because I set the image size to 100% because I upload my images as they are: each one resized and optimised for 600px in GIMP.

Is this a bug or did I forget a setting?


  • It is neither a bug nor a forgotten setting. It is a performance issue. The cost of testing if an image should be cached is large, and will be done EACH time if the image is not in the cache. So you are trading disk space for processor time.
  • Ok, but why is the 600px image saved as a new 600px image, instead of using a copy of the uploaded 600px image? In my case the result is uploading a small 30Kb image and ZP transforms it back into a 200Kb image.
  • Because, as I said, this we cache all images because testing for individual exceptions is too expensive. The image is cached by the graphics library we use based on the image quality settings you have chosen. If it comes out bigger than the orignal that is the breaks. Change the library to a better one, select a lower quality, etc.

    Or, if you know that the image needs no processing just make your theme directly link to it.
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