cannot change menu item type zenpagepage


i'm a real newbie with ZENphoto. It looks great!

i have managed to create a menu and enabled ZENpage.

i even have created a menu item type zenpagepage. Now when i want to change the settings of this menu item i click on the menu item title. sounds logic to me. But instead of opening the menu item it redirects me to the ZENpage page it self.

been searching for the right button or forum-topic, but could not find anything.

i'm using the latest version of ZENphoto.

any help or tips are welcome.

thanx in advance.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes and it is all correct that way. If you create a menu item for a Zenphoto managed item like images, albums. Zenpage pages, articles or categories the menu entry is the item.
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