I've got the lastest build of ZP running on a Xenon 3ghz with 8ram (so a quad core) and a speeds 15K RPM array. Also running the latest version of PHP and mySQL all on a Win 2003 Server environment.
We've noted only in the folders that have many subfolders (10-20) with 50=100+ photos each that the root folder can take up to 30-45 sec to show anything. All images have been pre-cached and this behavior has been tested on Firefox, IE, Safari and Chrome.
There is no question that the more photos in a sub folders the longer the load of root folder. So my question is what is seeking here that may slow down the selection of the thumb for the folder since they seem to be generated randomly. Or is something else at work?
I'm not a huge tech but know enough to setup PHP bases solutions that work well. I don't know code nor how to make changes to mySQL beyound setup and go.
After testing ZP all spring it seemed like a great choice but now I've load 1000+ photos things are a bit pokey only with selected albums.
Also note all images are resized prior to upload to 800x600 or 1024x800 and everything is pre-caches so the end consumer doesn't take the hit.
Suggestions? I've read a few posts but most search terms came up for the coding team.
First the theme may make a difference. Themes that do things like show recent images from all albums could be reading more than just one folder.
Also check how your album thumbnails are specified--selecting random images, specially if there are albums with only subalbums (no images directly in the album).
Pre-caching may also make no difference depending on the theme. pre-caching makes "standard" sized images and thumbs, so if you theme is using custom sized ones the pre-cached images may be useless.
Finally, consider using the html cache plugin since it will cache the pages once and then reserve them from its cache.
While your server should be powerful enough to run zenphoto with that setup (I had no problem running 1000+ images on a server with 768mg ram), if your PHP is limiting your available ram that could be a problem.
Goto your zenphoto admin overview and see what it shows the php memory limit is, that might need increasing.