issue with PrintAllTagAs

vincent3569 Member, Translator

it seems to be an issue on PrintAllTagAs() :
PrintAllTagAs displays tags of unpublished albums, images, news and pages.

example: if a tag is only present on 10 images on an unpublished album, PrintAllTagAs always displays this tag (and the number of occurence of the tag is always 10.

another thing :
if I follow the tag, the research does not return unpublished albums and images, but returns unpublished news and page.

you can follow this link to see the problem :
- tag6 diplays 31 occurences, but if you follow the link, only 21 occurrences (images and albums) are displayed : 10 images are unpublished.

- i-feel-dirty diplays 2 occurences of unpublished news and pages and by fallowing the tag,you can access to unpublished news and pages !!

according to me, PrintAllTagAs should :
- not displayed a tag if all occurences of objects with this tag are unpublished.
- only displayed the tag count of the published objects (unless you are connected).

are you OK with that ? I will create a ticket.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Generally tags itself do not have a publish status but I somewhat agree that the count probably should not included unpublished items. So yes a ticket is best as always. Please include a link to this topic as it might take some time until we get to that (Stephen is currently away for some time).
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    of course, I'm talking about objects identified by tags and not of tags themselves.

    to be simple, the tag cloud should have the same behavior as the categories of news (everything works well on that side).

    ticket created.
  • I am running into this condition as well. I think that tags should respect the "published" state of the item they are attached to.

    What is the status of this item? I tried to search Github, but didn't find any useful reference to "printAllTagsAs". I admit that I probably don't know what I'm doing with GitHub.

    If it matters, I am running:
    Host: LunarPages
    Custom Theme
    Zenphoto version [59c22b2fba] (Official build)
    Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
    PHP version: 5.3.27
    Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    MySQL version: 5.5.30
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't remember but two years ago we weren't on GitHub but on our own SVN server. So whatever ticket was there is gone now. Best open a new ticket if you still see the behaviour.
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