Is there a Notes/Tag plugin for ZP ?


I was wondering if any plugin/module in ZP could add a tag (or a note) into a photo, like Flickr or FB

I'm sure that it already have been asked. So I searched and only found some old (2007-2008) related topics.

I see some nice implementations using JQuery
Like this one for example :

But my PHP/JQuery skills are limited, and after some tries, I don't find a way to use it into ZP

So, if you know some projects related to this and ZP, I'll be glad to know.

I hope my english is not too rusty


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, as all are listed on the extensions section.

    You could enable the front end editing to add tags but only users with the appropiate rights will be able to. We don't recommend that as it is a possible security breach.
  • I think I'll use the tag feature to do this, because I don't find any other options.

    By the way, only me add photos to my Gallery.
    It is for a family photo-sharing project. The ZP is not available for public.

    If one day my unix sysadmin skills turns into web-developper skills enough to use such JQuery into ZP, be sure I'll share to the project.

    Thanks for your quick awnser
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