Subalbums Preview

The theme is an updated testing theme, hastily made. I'll be porting the default theme as well for the 1.1 release eventually.

SUB-ALBUMS ARE NOT COMPLETE YET. The administration interface is in the works, and simply does not work yet. mod_rewrite, sorting of subalbums and their images, and and much more needs to be done.

In the meantime, there will be a 1.0.4 release early next week (ran out of time this week) for the bugfixes and improvements made in the last 6 months (so sorry).

Here's a secret...

For those of you anxious to get the jump, the 1.0.4 release will actually be from the sub-albums branch, and I'll make the sub-albums theme available. The limitations are, of course, no mod_rewrite, no administration, no paging of SA's, and no sorting of SA's or their images. But it's fun to play with and works exactly like before apart from that.


  • I've..... snif snif... become so happy.. Thank you Thank you Thank you

    I am one of those anxious people... do you expect many other significant changes with the code for 1.0.4 between now and the release.. I may just port my main gallery over this weekend?
  • Hip Hip, Horay! Yay for Tristan!

    (dammit, i gotta learn how to use svn)
  • trisweb Administrator
    :-) I'll give you a shortcut to a tarball...

    You guys know the drill for the install. DB has been updated, so run upgrade.php. Shouldn't change much before the release.

    Edit 12/6/06: Updated the download URL above for the move to /trunk
  • Thanks Tristan, but I have a question. When you say
    no paging of SA's
    , what do you mean by that?

    The reason why I ask is because when I load it up, it'll read the first image in my SA on the main page (index.php) but then when I click on it, there isn't any kind of indication that it reads the SA in there, it's as if it were an empty gallery.

    Is that what you mean by paging of SA's?
  • Groovy. I grabbed it too. I'll try and get a working demo up with all my photos on my dev portion. I have lots of pic to "nest" in subalbums for testing.
  • Got it up. Works fine for me. I can even live without the mod_rewrite.

    I like the fact that you can have pictures in a "root" album, and then addtional subalbums underneath that.

    Now to port my theme over and see if I can break it. (Evil Laugh...)

    Tristan- Let me know if you need me to experiment with anything specific, otherwise, I'll see what breaks, and let you know. ;)
  • I just ported over my main gallery and so far so good.
    I also just finished porting my theme to support subalbums and really it was very easy, you only need to edit the album.php

    Ill let you know if I come across anything else.. but until then.. congrats on another fine piece of work.. (I know it is early and 1.0.4 still hasnt been released.. but I just couldnt wait any longer)
  • Woohoo, after turning mod_rewrite off and refreshing my photo db, subalbums are working like a charm! Anticipation has been met!
  • trisweb Administrator
    Also to everyone upgrading, you may want to clear your cache folder of any .jpg files from the older version (leave the folders -- that's how things are organized now).
  • Just downloaded and started to port my current gallery over to the subalbums version, but ran into a rather large problem:

    On any gallery page, I get about 25 lines of:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/zenphoto/gallery/zen/kses.php on line 429

    followed by:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path/to/zenphoto/gallery/zen/kses.php:429) in /path/to/zenphoto/gallery/index.php on line 9

    Where /path/to/zenphoto/gallery is the path to my gallery on my webserver.

    This also occurs under the theme management page. Something in my database not right, or did something not upload properly?
  • Well, I've got most of my theme elements ported over to my custom theme from the subalbums release testing-dev theme. Go here to see it in action.

    The items I'm still working on:
    1. Look and Feel (obviously this takes time so mind the "gaps" and silly CSS)
    2. RSS Feeds (I removed them due to overwhelming the server when someone clicks on the album rss feeds - I think something with the code and subalbums). This is real low priority for me since it was hacky to begin with, and eventually Tris plans on it in the code.
    3. Hit count and Most popular have been removed for now, as they are making calls to getImageID() and I'm not sure why they are failing, but I suspect the Persistent Object changes.

    Otherwise, even without mod_rewrite it's going well. Hopefully I can port my non-dev side over soon. Definitely a noticable speed improvement from 1.0.3 and I like the subalbums capability. It definitely makes organization of albums a lot better.
  • trisweb Administrator
    @RevenantEagle -- The zp-config.php file has changed, the errors you are seeing is the missing configuration for the kses html-filtering library.

    Either merge your old zp-config.php into the new one, or just manually copy the new config lines into your old one. There are two or three or four I think, I forgot which.

    @thinkdreams -- Looks great! About the RSS feeds and other hacks, it's probably the new way images/albums are stored in their arrays -- they used to be objects already, but now they're just file and folder names (strings). That's where most of the speed improvement comes from. If you want an actual object from those names, you have to call `new Image($album, $filename)` or `new Album($foldername)` and then continue as normal.

    Edit -- Check the other thread you posted, but it's actually now Image->id instead of Image->getImageId() which has been removed. Sorry about that :)
  • No biggie. Thanks Tris. I think I'll be holding off the hacks until you get a few more changes made to the 1.0.4 and get closer to 1.1. I'm really interested about seeing how you're going do the admin interface for subalbums. For now it does everything I want it to....
  • trisweb Administrator

    FYI To all: the subalbums branch (at `/branches/subalbums`) has been moved to `/trunk`! 1.0.4 will be released very soon from there for all the improvements made so far, and the subalbums infrastructure in there will not affect the current single-level themes.

    I've edited the link to the tarball above, but here it is again if you still want to play with it.

    Remember this is DEVELOPMENT TESTING CODE and no promises of stability or security can be made.
  • maybe no promises... but your reputation stands behind you
  • Hahaha, Chilifrei is right!

    Thanks Tristan. I'll make sure to check it out.
  • I have an interesting question:

    During my perusal of the subalbums functionality, how does it assign a default image thumb to the root album? I've looked in the DB, and even added an entry in the album's thumb field for a new thumb, but there was no change on the thumbnail chosen. I'm just curious.
  • I also got the rating and hits counts working again. Used:

    $_zp_current_image->id to replace getImageID()

    As a suggestion, you might want to comment on that function in the code, it's still in the template-functions.php file so that people know to use something else from now on. (Unless you are already way ahead of me on that....)

    In case anyone is checking, I removed my testing DB altogether and ported everything to my main gallery. A little DB work, and I have most of my comments back on (I only had two so it wasn't a great deal of work)

    It's at: Thinkdreams Zenphoto. Some things still may look a bit funny, but all in all it's nice.

  • trisweb Administrator
    Ohhhh it was in template-functions... I thought it was a method! (Well, it was, gone now). I've updated the function (not the method) to work again, so no more worries as long as you're not looking for Image->getImageID(). Plain old getImageID() works.

    Re: default thumbnails -- it's all in the method `Album::getAlbumThumbImage()` Currently it looks for the first image in the directory, and if none is found, it keeps recursing sub-albums until it finds one. Nothing is stored yet for sub-albums, or overridable for that matter. That's to come with the official release 1.1.
  • Thanks Tris. I figured the subalbum thumbs weren't configurable yet, I couldn't find any functions for them yet.
  • Wow... this is just exciting... I'm glad I made that post when I did. Tristan is working hard on ZenPhoto and it's actually going somewhere.... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Sorry, I'm just excited seeing the daily activity on here again.)
  • trisweb Administrator
    1.0.4 Tonight! I'm preparing now.

    You "beta testers" noticing any other bugs?

    We should have an IRC channel...
  • Sweet, 1.0.4 tonight! (I'm waiting!)

    As for bugs, I noticed that sorting sub-albums are not yet available. Is this how it should be or did you just forget about it?

    Thanks Tristan!
  • trisweb Administrator
    Sub-albums aren't yet available technically, remember? ;-) I'm fully aware that you cant sort them yet.

    Uploading the release in a few minutes...
  • trisweb Administrator
    There you go, all set. Read/continue discussion on the 1.0.4 post forthcoming...
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