Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/u551735554/public_html/zp-core/zp-extensions/PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php on line 602
Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail
Registration failed.
PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail
I am experimenting with Zen photo and am liking what i am seeing, however i have come across a snag, the error is above, it seems to allow me to send email from the contact page but throws up the above error, the same with the registration page, i believe that it is just a text warning, but am unsure how to hide it, any ideas would be most appreciative,
My website can be found here
Thanks for looking
Since the error is from the `PHPMailer` and you are getting the mail sent I presume that `zenphoto_sendmail` is working for you and `PHPMailer` is not needed. Simply disable the plugin.
If you really want to use `PHPMailer` (instead of `zenphoto_sendmail`) then you will have to discuss the above security disabling with your provider.