So, I want to display the latest images on my index.php file wich is in my root directory (
Zenphoto is located at
I can't make this work, I've tried everything..
the code in my index.php is:
define('WEBPATH', 'gallery');
define('ZENFOLDER', 'zp-core');
require_once(WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");
<?php printLatestImages(5); ?>
no matter what function I call, I get "call to undefined function" messagge.
I have the image_album_statistics plugin activated by the way.
Any help please?
Comments and the code example on that page ?
It's partially working now with that code. The code I've posted used to work with older versions of zenphoto.
Now, if y do <?php printLatestImages(5); ?> the five thumbs show up but are all broken.
I've looked at the html output and the links to the source images are not correct.
This is the output html for one thumb:
<img src="/gallery/zp-core/i.php?a=album-name&i=image.jpg&q=100&t=1&wmk=%21&check=5985b58621c79f2c38713d502721dc2563597e49&" alt="image title">
Somehow the paths are wrong, in the href line it's suposed to be, and albums img scr path is wrong too because the thumb is broken.
what I'm doing wrong?
and why that broken thumb points to gallery/album-name/image.jpg.html instead of gallery/albums/album-name/image.jpg.html
why the albums folder is ommited in the path?
Any thoughts?