having a specific album and subalbums listed as a text menu

Hi, I've had a search within the forum, but haven't spotted anything obvious... so I'll ask.

I'm currently using a copy of ZenPhoto's Default theme, to create a bespoke theme based on "Defult". I can amend the CSS easily enough and make some basic amends to the PHP files (to add extra content to pages, or move stuff around) and that's all good.

But there's some additional content, which I don't know if it's easily achievable or not. I have one main album called "clients", within that are subalbums for each individual client. Now, obviously, you can use the main visual album structure (within Default Theme) to work your way down... but onve you're within Client A's album, you've no idea that Client B even exists (without using the breadcrumbs to backtrack to the main Clients album.

What I'm hoping to be creatable, would be a simple auto-generated (from the database) HTML unordered-list of the Clients album and all it's child albums... so that I could CSS style that unordered-list into a dropdown menu that I could have accessible from all/any page.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Take a look at the print_album_menu plugin.
  • Yeah, I found that a few minutes ago... thought I'd replied to myself about that very plugin. Looks like my reply didn't get posted (oh, well).

    Thanks :D
  • Hello "acrylian", I have returned from a week's annual leave and (for other reasons) am planning to hopefully use your ZenPage theme that comes as a ZenPhoto default.

    It all looks very good (including the Album menu), but I have one small question:

    On the small default thumbnail used for that theme, there's a large thumbnail of the Earth and above that is a small row of smaller thumbnails (with forward & back arrows)...

    I have a small sample of images in my library (while initially building the site) and for some reason, my copy of the ZenPage theme is not showing that row of thumbs above the main image. I'm sure it's most probably one little setting I need to tweak, but I'm unsure which. I haven't amended the theme in any way (yet), just purely chosen to activate it in the Admin area.

    Any suggestions?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Those are from a plugin called jCarousel thumb nav. Just enabled that.
  • Ah, as described here - http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/_zp-extensions---jcarousel_thumb_nav.php.html

    I'll look into this. The plugin is already enabled, I assume I just need to manually add in the code to call it, in the image.php template.

  • Thanks
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