multi lingual not working


I would like to make my zen website in several langage. So I select my langages and checked the multi lingal check box in "general" tab.
Then I filled the translations in "gallery" tab

When I go to the website, I have the default version, but I don't know how to change langage. Aren't there some little flag on top or something like that?




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to enable the dynamic locale plugin to see those flags (which are an option). Depending on what theme you are using you may need to add the function yourself.

    Also you web server requires having the locales installed for the languages to be used. Otherwise it will not work. Ask your host about that. Normal shared hosts mostly have just your local locale.
  • Hi Acrylian,

    Thanks a lot for your answer.
    Zen Photo seems to be perfect to create what I need!
    I just need to learn it... or tame it...

    You say I should enable the dynamic locale plugin. Here is the configuration I done :
    Could you check if it is all right?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The configuration looks correct but you need also
    1. Add the function to the theme yourself you use if it has no support already (most standard themes have)
    2. Your server needs the locale of the languages you wish to use installed.
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