This is happing to most folders.
Third party plugins folder (plugins) [permissions failure]
Setup could not change the folder permissions from loose (0777) to strict (0755). You will have to set the permissions manually. See the Troubleshooting guide for details on Zenphoto permissions requirements.
Changed to 0755 Says attributes set. Then re run setup and this shows up
Third party plugins folder [plugins is not writeable and setup could not make it so]
Change the permissions on the Third party plugins folder to be writable by the server (chmod 777 plugins)
Looping cant move forward
#2. This is a pretty common topic, covered both in other forum posts and [amazingly] the troubleshooting guide and the actual error message you quote. Since you did not find these I guess a, b, or c applies here.
#1 You forgot D. When submit was hit it took me to a page that asked me to slow down... Im guessing by your sarcasm, you wrote that page. Please add a note that the post was sent along with the sarcasm and the "unknown post" would have been avoided.
#2 a search of "chmod" on your site returns: Sorry, no matches found. Try refining your search.
a search of "0755" on your site returns: Sorry, no matches found. Try refining your search.
a search of "set permissions" on your site returns: Sorry, no matches found.
Try refining your search.
Also here you forgot D Im unable to find a solution using the most refined search terms.
Note: Zen emphasizes experiential wisdom in the attainment of enlightenment. You cannot reach enlightenment while pummeling your brothers. My apologies for bothering you brother, I will delete your software from my server. It is my honest hope that you find Zen,May peace as you are a very angry and emotionally troubled person.
May kindness & peace find a way through your rock hard exterior.
Regarding your search. If you had just searched for "permissions" you would have found this:
which is also incorporated in the troubleshooting (a common place to find such things...):