Print logged-in user name


First, thank you for this great gallery management.
I'm in the process of creating mine using zenphoto and want to display the name of the user who is currently logged in.

I'm sure it's pretty easy, but I can't find in the documentation the method to call or the global variable to display.

Thank you for your support.



  • The variable (an object) is `$_zp_current_admin_obj` It has a method for getting the user id, etc. Note of coures that if no one is logged in this variable may not be valid.
  • Hello,

    Thanks for your reply.
    However, I think I would need a bit more details :)
    Where can I find the list of methods that can be called on this object?

    Thank you for your support.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the functions documentation.
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