How to use Menu Manager plugin

I am trying to insert a little horizontal menu on top.
So I checked Menu Manager plugin,
I added to page in the menu :
but the menu does not appear...

What I would like to do is something like that :
Of course the menu is not supposed to be placed instead od the breadcrumb, I would like to make it appear on top.

Do you know what I should do...?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Again as with all optional plugins you need to add the appropiate plugin functions to the theme used. Being optional naturally not all are implemented so you can choose where to place it. Of coures you will have to modify the theme's css possibly as well.
    Please read the theming tutorial for the basics if you haven't already.
  • Do we have to do it even if we use default theme?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • How would I add this to the ZPmobile theme? in the code it seems to have a provision to include the menu manager if that plugin has been enabled but it doesn't seem to on the theme.

    I have seen the doumentation but it would be really good to have a bit on idiots guide on how to add the menu manager to the themese.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As noted on the plugin page on the admin you have to ad the function to the theme yourself if it doesn't provide support for it already. It's the same with all plugins, except of the more complex ones like the Zenpage theme. Sorry that bit of learning no one can do for you.

    It is recommended to read the theming tutorial for the basics before changing a theme. Also you should review the documentation of the jquery mobile framework this theme uses. That is quite special in places.
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