I got the messages "setup scripts missing"

I have 2 Zenphoto installation (on the same server) and suddenly they don't work anymore. I always get the messages "setup scripts missing". I uploaded the newest Version to my server, but I get still this messages. I ask my webprovider what he changed on the system, but he told me I need to ask the developer which wrong variable cause this messages. Can someone give me a hint?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    After installation it is recommend to delete the setup scripts for security. You can reupload them. We would need more information to be able to help.
  • What kind of information do you need? Both installation were running in the past. A few days ago this messages appeared (my webspace server was down for couple of hours). I thought the installation was damaged so I uploaded the newest version of zenphoto. Then I tried to run the setup.php (from the zp-core folder) - but I get this mentioned messages, too.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I missread that you said the latest version already, sorry. It is more or less a simple check if the files exist. So make sure they are really there within /zp-core. The scripts are only needed for installation and upgrades. Thus is is recommend to delete them afterwards for security reasons.
  • The script setup script is in the zp-core folder. Do you have a idea why I can't run them oder that I can't work anymore with zenphoto? WHat ever I do I alwys get the message "setup scripts missing". What could be wrong with the webserver?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Could be a file/folder permission issue. You will need to look into the server's error log, otherwise all is wild guessing.
  • There are several files involved with setup. In addition to the `setup.php` scripts there are scripts needed in the `../zp-core/setup folder`. All must be present or you get that message when zenphoto thinks it needs to run setup.
  • Hi ZP-Team,

    thanks for your help. The fault was on my side. I was 100% sure that I uploaded the new zenphoto version with all files, but when I checked it today I recognized that the new files didn't were on my webspace. Now I uploaded them again and the message don't apperar anymore. Thank you so much for your help - I really appreciate it.

    Thanks again

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