The SEO Cleaner is dangerous

I've used ZenPhoto for all my publishing needs the last 4 years. My gallery is a timeline spanning 10 years with more than 8 000 photos in 505 albums.

Last week I happened to press the SEO Cleaner button in the admin interface, which promptly rummaged through the entire filesystem renaming files and folders (including changing every single file name to lower case letters).

This wouldn't have been all bad; consistent lower case and URLs without spaces are a good thing (though it did kill all incoming links to my site, mixed-case requests can be remapped through htaccess). ... it's just that the SEO Cleaner RENAMES FILES WITHOUT UPDATING THEIR DATABASE ENTRIES!

Thus I lost all my captions, all sort orders, all manually selected album thumbnails - my entire gallery turned to shit with one click.

... I am cry. :(


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry to hear. But of course before doing such major change you really should have done a backup both of the albums folder and the database. That is general good practice. There can always go something wrong.

    It should of course update the database as well. Please open a ticket and we will look at finding the bug.

    Btw, no need to post the same topic seven times... You are not moderated but probably the Akismet filter catched you. Why that does not put out a note is beyond our control as we did not write the forum.
  • This utility uses the same rename methods as the back-end. If it did not perserve the metadata, there must be some specific bug with regard to what you invoked. (It does work in general, so it would be some specific condition of your site. Unless, of course, you are running an old version of Zenphoto.)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Any errors in the error log?
  • @sbillard: version [7644]

    Yes! Lets point here from the magic fucking future and act like I'm clueless for not tracking trunk and syncing my data every night. That's some high octane bitch-slapping right there.

    The admin has a panel for "Utility Functions" with set of buttons right? They're like "Refresh metadata", "Refresh database" and "Ruin all my shit".

    ... except that last one says something like "ice cream, rainbows and unicorns" or "SEO Cleaner" or whatever. I'm just saying, you know, such a "major change" perhaps ought to be labeled as such? Hell it might even merit a confirmation dialogue?
    "Dear Born Yesterday: are you sure you would like to ruin all your shit?

    - Yes, make me cry at once!
    - No, my fat thumb landed on the wrong bunch of pixels. Please have mercy!!!"

    But I'm sure that function is benign on all other installs.

    About the double posts: the forum responded "post could not be found" when I clicked "Send Post". I checked (and double-checked) to make sure there was no double posts and could find none. Why it did that is beyond my control as I did not write the forum...

    (Yes: I do realize I'm not being constructive. Sorry if I offended you.)
  • The logs in zp-data? I've got a security_log.txt and a setup_log.txt - nothing out of the ordinary in either of them.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry that you are angry. But since the seo cleaner cleans filenames the natural thing would be to a backup at least of the database.

    Sorry about the double post issue. If a post is moderated there is of course no post yet. As said on another topic I will look into making these message explain why it might happen (these are standard bbpress messages so we need to hack the software).

    And what about the server error log?

    Re: the version, we always need to know that as sometimes people report an issue with really old version that are long fixed. You don't need to update "every night" but we really can only support the current release (I don't know if the cleaner changed from to right now).
  • No, I do understand. I'm just frustrated. I didn't click that button intentionally (my site is not even indexed by search engines) so it's just... Such. A. Massive. Clusterfuck.

    I've asked my host for the error logs, just in case there's something in there that can be of use to identify the cause of the problems. I'll post once they get back to me.
  • Another outbreak like this and you are gone for good!
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