MySQL error

Gallery was working great, but all of a sudden stopped after no recent changes. Works fine in admin mode, but can't access from website. Here's the error:

Zenphoto encountered an error
MySQL Error: The database is connected, but MySQL returned the error Access denied for user 'znpxTIUJWJn'@'10.%' to database 'znp_17cehom54o' when Zenphoto tried to select the database znp_17cehom54o.

Any ideas?


  • Is `znpxTIUJWJn` the user you expect to be associated with the database? Is `znp_17cehom54o` the correct database? Anyway, the error message means that the credentials are not valid for some reason.

    It is strange that you get the error only when accessing the gallery and not the admin pages since Zenphoto will attempt to connect to the database in both cases.
  • No, "znpxTIUJWJn'@'10.%" is unknown to me. Could it have been hacked somewhere?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Possible, look at zp-data/zp-config.php and check the values. You also might want to check the permissions on that file/folder. See the user guide's troubleshooting for info on how to set these right (setup should do that actually).
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