Multilanguage Tags / Translate Tag-Search

Hi there!
We would like to make a web gallery, on a multi-language website. So we would also like to translate the Tags, so everybody can *search* and *browse* the Tags in his own language.
There already is a database table for the translation of the words, we just don't know how to extends the SearchEngine and the TagCloud to translate on the fly.

Any Ideas? I can't see any Hook how I could extend the SearchEngine with a plugin. And I don't want to change the core for sure. ;-)

Thanks for any hints.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, tags are not multilingual as they need to be unique as you search for them directly. You would have to create tags in every language you wish to use. Or make your content use keywords in every language version.
  • Thank you! Ok so we will Tag [IPTC: Keywords] our Photos in 3 Languages.
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