Hi acrylian,
I'm really liking what the ZenPage theme does

I'm trying to amend it's style (without making major changes to layout etc) and there's one thing I can't seem to amend.
There's a "magical" top margin being applied to the pages' Body tags, which mean the main content always sits 16 pixels below the browser window's top.
I've added 0px margin & width to the Body tag in the style.css, but the mystery margin remains.
I've spotted an empty Div within the image.php, with a comment about how thickbox kills the margin all other pages have.
My question is where are all the other pages getting that margin?
I wanted the main content box/header to have a little space between the top of the browser window. Way back the Thickbox JS script or its additional CSS cleared that somehow and being lazy I added that one. I think that was actually for the first version of this theme (It got a redesign inbetween a while back).
There is a small black border on top of the header.jpg image. Is that maybe what you mean? You should be able to solve that be making the header css part less high.
Edit: it is the CSS part: `html { .... }`
Change that to `* { .... }`
It should not make any difference except that it sets these defaults for all elements. (The css base was taken from the default theme btw).